Monday, April 25, 2016

Tshirt Fundraiser

Hey! Thanks so much for coming and checking out my latest update. Alright, we need your help and here's why and what you can do.
We are getting t-shirts for the VBS kids, interpreters, and us. We are planning for at least 500 kids (but in reality it'll be more than that). We also have to get the shirts shipped from Addis Ababa to Gambella. The reason we do shirts is because it has gotten people talking (even more) about us! I've had multiple locals tell me they saw our shirts and asked the kids what they learned in VBS. I've had people learn who we are and our association with teaching their children to be loving and peaceful, and want to help with the work. I've had a complete stranger recognize our shirts and come interpret for us when we were having trouble communicating with a store keeper. We have had people come ask more about the things we are teaching because they associated the shirts with the Church there. I've seen them clothe orphans. THEY ARE NEEDED!!
But here's the kicker....the cost for all the shirts and shipping will be about $4000.....We need this money by mid May......
So here's the FUN part....How you can help :)
1. Message me on Facebook saying you want to go to my Jamberry party (I created an exclusive nail wrap which you can purchase!)....ALL PROCEEDS GO TO THE SHIRTS

2. Donate via PayPal using the Friends an Family Method to

3. Donate via check and send it to Porter Church of Christ
       earmarked South Sudan VBS SHIRTS