Friday, May 16, 2014

New refugee camp

ITANG May 14, 2014
I’m excited to report regarding a recent survey trip by Brother James Puot, Preacher and Director of the Gambella - South Sudanese School of Biblical Studies, in Gambella, accompanied with four other  preachers made to the newest Ethiopian Refugee Camp in Itang, Ethiopia several days ago. The brethren, some from Malkal and presently refugeed with brethren in Nisar and some from the Nisar congregation traveled to Gambella to attend continuing education classes, but took time to make the trip to Itang. Unfortunately they had to return to the Nisar Area as war  broke out again in Nisar and they were concerned for their families. 
While James and the brethren were at the camp they visited with many of the refugees and found one sister and her child. James said the Refugees were greatful for the brethren's desire to start a congregation in or around the camp. Two or three of the Brothers, all graduates of our level one and level two classes and preachers from the Malakal Region, are  contemplating  moving to the camp to start a congregation.
The Itand  Refugee Camp was established in early January 2014 to accommodate refugees from the warfare in South Sudan.  The camp is projected to accommodate in excees 1,000,000 refugees.  Itang is approximately 35 miles from Gambella.
James accompanied the brethren to Nisar to purchase and disperse food to the brethren in Nisar. James said many of the brethren are in the bush, but there was food to buy and they would seek out each family and give them food for the month.
Praise God for faithful brethren like these who willingly risk their lives for the cause of Christ. Please keep all the brethren in your prayers.
Sister in Christ


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